Víctor Barrio

10 things you need to know to Build a Chinese Website (Part 1)

When planning to enter the Chinese market, one of the main points in every marketing plan should be the creation of a website that focuses on the Chinese consumer. Naturally, there are some questions that come to mind… What are the differences between a western and an eastern website? What are the aspects that I have to

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2 Open will be in the Madrid Tourism Trade Show FITUR 2016 jan 20-24

Chinese tourism is increasing very fast lasts years as well as their economy. In the last 15 years has spread from 8 million to more than 100 million in 2014. It is a record according to the Chinese National Tourism Administration and is supposed that this number will keep growing. So, this emerging market has a

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2 Open visits ANUGA

Last week 2 Open was in ANUGA, the world´s leading food fair for the retail trade and the food service and catering market. It was a busy week, where 2 Open was in contact with some interesting companies that were really interested in discovering China´s digital possibilities. Meeting not only Spanish companies like Calvo Group, Campofrío, Castillo

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Digital Marketing in China in FEDETO (Toledo – Spain)

On October 8 we will be in Toledo (Spain) speaking about Digital Marketing in China, within the day of International e-Commerce organized by FEDETO (Business Federation of Toledo). During the event we will talk about our experience with Spanish companies selling online in China and we will try to give an overview of the features of digital marketing in the

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