
Digital Marketing in China. Where do I start?

Hosted by Tolmao Group, the networking event “Digital Marketing in China. Where do I Start?” took place on January 2016 in Shanghai. Luis S. Galán (the CEO of 2Open) was invited to talk about Cross-border E-commerce and the benefits it can bring to a company.  Although it is called a networking event it also features educational elements in order to provide a better understanding on how to take advantage of business opportunities in China. Where do I start? How does cross-border e-commerce really works? Is is really growing? These were the questions on everyone’s mind before Luis stepped onto the stage.


Luis Galán has a deep understanding in the matter, due to the services that 2Open provides, he deals with e-commerce and all of its subcategories on a daily basis. The talked focused on the process of cross-border e-commerce, the real current situation about it and opportunities that might come with it. The crowd showed a lot of interest, it seems that this is an area that everyone is trying to implement in their own businesses and so there were a lot of questions from the audience.


  • What are the procedures to do cross-border e-commerce in China, especially how can i deal with payments?
  • How can I start social media marketing for a beginner?
  • Comparatively, what are the digital marketing advantages over traditional marketing?

These were some of the questions asked by the audience and they were not left unanswered. After the talk, the networking event continued and some people approached Luis to ask about experiences and tips on the topic, the place was filled with kind, ambitious, and knowledge-seeking people that are looking forward to engage in the way business works in China.

Some of the answers to these questions have also been covered by 2Open in past articles from our blog, however if you are looking for any specifics or have some questions related to our services feel free to leave a comment. We will be more than happy to help you with any enquires you might have, and who knows, we might just dedicate a whole article to your question.